Linking with Spam Stop

Please do link to Spam Stop. If you want to use the image and/or link text below. Simply copy the code below into your web page.

When you link, you will also be helping to stop spam: Email harvesting software following the link will be rewarded with fake addresses to pollute their database. The following link explains how we fool email harvesting software.

Text link

Spam Stop - Advice and tools to help combat Spam.

XHTML code:

<p><a href="" onclick="''); return false" title="Spam Stop - Advice and tools to help combat Spam."><strong>Spam Stop</strong></a> - Advice and tools to help combat Spam.</p>

Alternative Text Link

Spam Free Email

<a href="" onclick="''); return false" title="Spam Free Email">Spam Free Email </a>

Image link

Spam Stop - Advice and tools to help combat Spam.

If you use an image link, please copy the image to your webserver - do not steal our bandwidth.

Suggest a site

We are happy to provide reciprocal links to relevant sites that provide information on similar topics to Spam Stop.

To request a link to your site, please contact the webmaster.